The Italian Pipers & Drummers Association hopes to be able to welcome all Pipers and Drummers who wish to have an active role in the scenario of Italian “piping and drumming” and wants to be a vehicle for spreading the artistic message and technical contents that have always inspired the activity of the BIG (Bagpipe Italian Group).
For this last reason the A.P.&.D.I. it places itself and will remain under the wing of the BIG for everything concerning the technical, didactic and artistic aspect, promoting its initiatives and materially contributing to their implementation.
The Association aims to offer its members, as pipers, drummers or aspiring, a series of services, opportunities and facilities starting from moments of encounter to research and dissemination of news concerning the world of piping, from the creation of a “showcase” of innovative/useful products/technical supports to the offer of opportunities and facilitations relating to the purchase of tools, accessories and other.
Finally, particular attention will also be paid to the world of competitions both in terms of results and in terms of verifying and/or creating the cultural, technical and logistical conditions for the promotion of events of this nature also on the Italian territory.
The Association will also tend to establish relationships with Institutions and other Associations, both Italian and foreign, which can facilitate the best achievement of the social purposes.
The A.P.&.D.I. has officially established fruitful working relationships with the National Piping Centre of Glasgow.
Thanks to this network of relationships, which will also extend to manufacturers of musical instruments and accessories and record companies, the Association will be able to enrich the already existing package of advantages reserved for members.
We obviously wish the success of the initiative, well aware that it will only be achievable thanks to your interest, adhesion and support.
Treasurer / Consuelor
L’Associazione Piper & Drummer Italiani, spera di poter accogliere tutti i Piper e i Drummer che desiderano avere un ruolo attivo nello scenario del “piping and drumming” italiano e vuole essere veicolo di diffusione del messaggio artistico e dei contenuti tecnici da sempre ispiranti l’attività del BIG.
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